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For Parents and Carers

Pastoral and Wellbeing Support

Pastoral and Wellbeing Support 

At Filey School we want every student to maximise their full potential. A range of pastoral care strategies is essential to support our students and to ensure that any concerns are quickly addressed. 

Form tutors play a key role in effective pastoral care. All students see their form tutor on a daily basis. Additional support is provided by our Heads of Year and Safeguarding Team. Students are regularly reminded in assemblies, form time and Life lessons that they can speak to any member of staff about any concerns they may have, in school, at home or online.

All students are set homework and should record this in their Student Planners. The amount and type will vary with the subjects they are taking. This work is of great importance and must be done fully and regularly. Parents are asked to assist with this by providing a warm, quiet place to study, if possible. If your son or daughter has difficulties with completion of homework, please contact your child’s form tutor or Head of Year so that any barriers can be addressed. Parents are asked to check that homework is being completed, and to check and sign their child’s planner on a weekly basis. 

Pastoral Staff 

At Filey School we offer a variety of care, guidance and support to students beyond the classroom. If you have any queries or concerns regarding your child there are a number of people that you may wish to contact. For any general concerns or information please contact your child’s form tutor in the first instance. There is also a Head of Year attached to your child’s year group whose role is to oversee any behaviour, attendance or social issues. Subject Heads of Department will have a specific view of your child’s academic performance and progress across all his/her subjects. 

The Pastoral Team are: 

  • Mrs A Pickering – Assistant Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Leader (DSL) 
  • Mrs J Emmerson - Senior Pastoral Leader & Deputy DSL 
  • Miss H Robson – SENDCO  
  • Mr J Emmerson – Head of Year 11 
  • Mr S Knowles – Head of Year 9&10 
  • Mr J Oakley – Head of Year 7&8 
  • Miss R Wescombe – Pastoral Administrator 
  • Miss B Gordon – Associate Senior Leader – Improving Attendance 
  • Miss M Herring – Attendance Officer 

Social Media, Mobile Phones and E-Bullying 

There is increasing concern in schools nationally about incidents of e-bullying via text, email, social media apps and gaming platforms. Parents are asked to be very vigilant over their son/daughter’s use of such sites. Please note it is now possible to put very tight controls on your Facebook page which blocks access to all but your own “friends”. The protection that school has in place is as follows: 

Any school emails containing offensive words or phrases are immediately re-directed to the Senior Management Team for appropriate action. 

Mobile phones and Smart watches are not permitted to be used on the school site. If a student does bring such a device into school, it must be ‘off and away’ - switched off and in the student’s bag for the duration of the school day. Staff will confiscate any mobile phone that is seen, regardless of whether it is switched off or not, as per the behaviour policy.

Useful Links 




Young Minds - 

Internet Matters - 

Parent Zone - 

Childnet - 

Parents Protect - 

Parent Info on E-Safety - 

Government Financial Assistance 

Advice for parents/carers of children with SEND - 

Bounce Forward – Online Resilience Course for Parents - 

Ask, Listen, Learn - Holiday Conversations & Responsibility - 


Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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