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Our science curriculum inspires in our pupils a curiosity, excitement and understanding of the world and universe around them. The curriculum equips pupils to ask inquisitive questions, devise and undertake relevant enquiries, develop rational explanations, and understand the validity of evidence. The curriculum is designed to build knowledge and make connections from the disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics as they progress through the curriculum.   

Our curriculum aims to build pupils’ substantive and disciplinary knowledge progressively over time which are inter-linked throughout each unit.

Pupils gain a substantive knowledge (facts) through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry, and physics in all strands of the National Curriculum, for example, animals including humans, properties and changes of materials, light and electricity.

They gain competency in disciplinary knowledge (skills) through the progression of working scientifically which supports planning, performing, and observing through a range of scientific enquiry types. It also enables them to use information to form conclusions and justify the reliability of evidence from enquiries and secondary sources, which further supports pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the substantial knowledge.

Through our science curriculum, pupils understand the uses and implications of science. This includes learning about how science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future, as well as exploring the world’s natural phenomena.

Pupils develop analytical, creative and critical thinking skills to theorise, predict, solve problems and analyse outcomes, building their scientific knowledge over time.  Pupils also develop their communication skills by reporting on enquiries in both written and oral presentations and through working collaboratively with others.

Substantive knowledge sets out the content that pupils will learn: 

  • Animals including humans
  • Living things and their habitats
  • Materials
  • Earth and Space
  • Forces
  • Plants
  • Electricity
  • Light
  • Sound
  • Rocks
  • Evolution and inheritance
  • Subject specific vocabulary

Pupils also learn about influential people who have impacted on the world in which we live. These include chemists, physicists, horticulturalists, and conservationists. These inspire pupils to consider future professions and helps them to understand how people can develop new ideas and support living things and habitats on earth.    

Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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